Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Photo Inspiration

I knew I wanted to get into photography when I started reading "Enjoying the Small Things." Kelly Hampton has a very special gift of writing about and photographing her kids. If you haven't read her blog you should! and you should start here. That post will bring you to tears - no matter where you are at. 

One day I hope to have the same kind of memories and photographs of my family. Even create online scrabooks for my kids to look at. Because kids are the best... especially to photograph. I got to try out my camera this weekend on some of my friends little kids and here is the result...

So cute! I definately got into it a little bit. But how weird is it when your walking around with a big camera and getting in people's faces to take pictures? Espeically if you don't really know them that well... I can see why I had such a hard time taking photos before, but at least now I look somewhat ligit. Hopefully I'll learn how to hide behind the camera and just snap away because the end result is a lot of fun to look at later!

I'm still looking for some kind of blog or website to learn from that isn't soooo boring. If you know of anything let me know!


  1. I so wish I could be a photographer as well! The husband and I broke down last year and bought a DSLR, but I've still yet to learn how to shoot manually (pretty sad, huh). So if you get any good suggestions on websites/blogs, please send them my way because the only ones I've found are pretty boring (not to mention technical) as well! Good luck!

  2. Beautiful. Your pictures are amazing.

  3. Great pictures! such cute kids! OH I sent you email about where I found the shoes...I basically just hit reply after your comment on my email but I dont know if it went through...let me know... I will fill you in on where the boots are from!

  4. Ditto what Amber says! If you get any good websites or blogs, please share! I need massive help with my DSLR as well!

  5. Found your blog from 20SB :) You're the first person I've met in the blogging world who is also a FSU alum :) I look forward to following you!!

  6. ADORABLE! You are a great photographer Miss Jess =)
