Friday, August 6, 2010

Need to reset my clock...

Everyday this week I have been so tired! My little buggers (AKA Hershey, my adopted dog) crawls out of the end of the bed and looks around wondering if it's really time to get up. He sits there the whole time I get ready and when its time for him to go out he goes back under the covers.... sweet - I wish I could do that!

So the plan is to reset my clock this weekend and start going to bed earlier in hopes of waking up earlier. I feel like I am just not a morning person! Has anyone else had the problem adjusting from college life to working life? How do I become a morning person?!


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. I had the same problem. Eventually I just started waking up early no problem and now I can't sleep in past 8. I guess it just takes practice. A yummy cup of coffee helps too:)

  3. I had trouble at first as well. I thought back to when I was in highschool so I knew it was possible ;) It just takes some getting used to, but going to be a little earlier helps out a ton.

  4. I slept in till 1 today so I'm off to a bad start. The weekends are what screws me up :-(
